Judith Butler dismantles the forces that unleash violence
Pretty Heady Stuff
June 2021
Judith Butler is an internationally recognized feminist philosopher whose work is incredibly difficult to summarize. The author of more than twenty books of groundbreaking critical theory, she has indelibly shaped our ability to understand the body politic, the politics of the body, and the unbelievable complexity of our relationships to one another.
Because it's so challenging to adequately capt ...
Because it's so challenging to adequately capt ...
HOUSE OF SPRING - Feminist March Broadcast | Root Radio 11/03/2023
Root Radio
Nov 2023
This broadcasting is dedicated to Feminist March. Saluting the womxn who are fighting for equitable futures and honoring 8 March week as we did in the last years with beautiful and powerful voices of Root’s women & non-binary residents. While we are still mourning, we are also here to remind one another the power of solidarity, and that we will never walk alone.